Alpha Spirit Multi-Protein Dog Food


Premium Dry Dog Food. Low Prices Available at zooplus IE
Alpha Spirit Multi-Protein Semi-Moist Dog Food is an innovative food for adult dogs, based on the natural diet of dogs in the wild. The partially moist consistency ensures high levels of acceptance, even amongst fussy dogs. This mouth-watering food is packed in practical 210g portions to ensure that the food does not dry out and maintains its appetising consistency.

This complete dog food is grain-free and contains 85% fresh meat and fish, with no meat meal. Valuable protein from chicken, beef, pork liver and fish offers a broad nutritional profile and ensures that your dog receives all the amino acids they need for healthy bodily functions. Alpha Spirit Multi-Protein dog food is especially easy to digest thanks to the use of an innovative, patented production process comparable to “pre-digestion”. This makes it easy for your dog to ingest and process proteins and nutrients. Functional ingredients, such as brewer's yeast, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and Yucca schidigera extract, perfectly round off this food and help to support your dog's health and vitality.

Alpha Spirit Multi-Protein Semi-Moist Dog Food at a glance:

  • Complete food for adult dogs
  • Semi-moist food: contains twice as much moisture as dry food, for a great taste and high acceptance
  • In practical 210g portion packs: maintains the semi-moist consistency for freshness at every meal
  • 85% fresh meat and fish: no meat meal used, purely fresh beef, chicken, pork liver and fish
  • Multi-protein recipe: provides an optimal amount of protein and amino acids
  • Grain-free: ideal for dogs with grain allergies or intolerance
  • 15% pulses: encourage easy digestion
  • Innovative, patented production process: comparable to the digestion process (pre-digestion), for easy absorption and conversion of proteins
  • Promotes healthy fur: contains brewer's yeast rich in vitamin B and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids
  • Chondroitin & glucosamine: foster healthy joints and preserve cartilage
  • Contains exclusively natural preservatives


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Alpha Spirit Multi-Protein Dog Food

€ 27.50EUR
puntaje 4.9(572)
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